I constantly pray, asking to help me overcome my claustrophobia. And they said, “sure!! Hold this!!!. Then, in ONE day, I was hit left and right with my fear of being in tight spaces. I was seated at the very front of the seaplane (AC barely worked). Felt like my throat was literally closing. So I pulled out my portable fan and did some breathing exercises. Later on, I had to go and sit in a TINY booth where they CLOSED the door on me (thought somehow the door would get jammed and I wouldn’t be able to get out, EVER!!).😂 But I faced and pushed through my claustrophobic fears. At least for THAT day 😅. So be careful what you pray for. Because it might not show up in the EXACT form YOU might think. But it DOES show up. So, learn how to get out of your own way and trust the process.
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